Oxygen XML Editor 15.2 (x86/x64) | 156/161 MB
Oxygen is an XML Editor, XSLT/XQuery Debugger and Profiler with full Unicode support. oXygen XML Editor provides users with visual XML editing driven by CSS stylesheets.Introduces XML Author specially tuned for content authors providing a well designed interface for XML editing by keeping only the relevant authoring features.
It offers a powerful code insight that can follow a DTD, Relax NG or an XML Schema or even can learn the structure from a partial edited document. XML and XSL documents can be easily associated one with the other and the transformation results can be viewed as text or HTML.
Oxygen provides a visual schema editor for W3C XML Schema and Relax NG schema designed to simplify the development and understanding of the schema files. Oxygen validates XML, XSL, XQUERY, FO, XSD, RNG, RNC, DTD, Schematron, WSDL and CSS content, reporting errors with description and line number information and marking them in the document when validate as you type is enabled.
It comes with the latest Docbook DTD and stylesheets. Includes the Apache FO Processor, being able to generate PDF and PostScript. Other FO processors can be configured as plugins. Oxygen provides a special layout when entering in debugging mode to show the source and the stylesheet documents side by side and to show also the results and special debugging views.
Debugging and profiling can be done using the latest versions of Xalan, Saxon 6 or Saxon 9 transformation engines. A complete diff and merge solution is also available in Oxygen. It offers both directory and file comparison, 6 file diff algorithms. Oxygen makes easier the document sharing between content authors by including a Subversion Client.
The SVN Client allows you to browse repositories, check for changes, commit changes, update your working copy and examine the revision history. Oxygen provides support for importing database content, MS Excel sheets and legacy text data files into XML documents and also for generating XML Schema from database tables.
Here are some key features of "oXygen XML Editor":
WYSIWYG XML Editor (Visual XML editor):
· The Author mode of the XML Editor demonstrates a new productive way of authoring XML documents, similar to a word processor.
Intelligent XML Editing:
· The context sensitive content assistant is changing the way you edit documents, helping you create valid content all the time.
Extensible XML Editor:
· Starting with version 9 adds a new concept called Document Type that solves the problem of providing ready to use support for a framework or an XML language. The Document Type concept is used to provide the built in support has for a number of XML frameworks (DITA, DocBook, TEI) but, more importantly, it can be employed to provide support for a user defined framework that needs to be shared with other users.
XML Grid Editor:
· The 's grid editor allows you to edit repetitive XML content in a special layout similar to a spreadsheet application, without the need to interact with markup.
XML Outliner:
· XML Editor comes along with a powerful outliner which is automatically synchronized with the document changes.
XInclude Support:
· XML Editor supports XInclude which is a standard for building up XML documents from smaller pieces, being a replacement for the external entities.
XML Validation and Well-Formedness Check:
· The XML validation can be done by checking the documents against a schema. XML Editor supports: XML Schema, DTD, Schematron and Relax NG schemas.
· XML Formating and Indentation.
· An useful utility is the XML document formatter.
Unicode and Internationalization:
· XML Editor supports a large number of text encodings. Unicode is fully supported.
XML Diff:
· A complete diff and merge solution is now also available as a separate product. It offers both directory and file comparison, six different diff algorithms and multiple levels of comparison.
XPath support:
· XPath is a language for addressing specific parts of an XML document. XPath, like the Document Object Model (DOM), models an XML document as a tree of nodes. An XPath expression is a mechanism for navigating through and selecting nodes from the XML document. You can executes XPath queries on opened documents. Both XPath versions 1.0 and 2.0 are supported.
XML Digital Signature and XML Canonicalization:
· The digital signature is a requirement when exchanging information in an untrusted network. Since XML is used for content storage it is important to be able to sign the XML files or messages.
Tree Editor:
· XML documents can be viewed/edited in a graphical tree. The tree editor is handy for large size documents.
Helper Views:
· There is a set of panels located at the side of the editing area helping the XML editing. They present the model of the edited XML element, the available attributes and entities.
· Pentium III system
· 512 MB of RAM (1 GB recommended)
· 300 MB free disk space
· Java Virtual Machine (included)
What is new in XML Editor 14.0
Build history of Editor, Developer and Author releases
Build ID(s): 2012070512
Wed, 6 July 2012 12:30:00 GMT
Document types: Internal custom document types (stored in options) that were inherited from version 13.2 or older would not work correctly (java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: ro/sync/ecss/extensions/*/*NodeRendererCustomizer) because of a required jar library that was newly introduced in v14.0. To avoid this problem the classes from the required jar library ("*-node-customizer.jar") have been included in the main framework jar library for each framework.
TEI ODD: Fixed java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: ro/sync/ecss/extensions/tei/TEINodeRendererCustomizer when opening a TEI ODD document.
Options GUI: When editing/duplicating a document type, the ${framework} editor variable from URLs in the Classpath was not expanded when choosing an operation for an Author action.
Startup: A "TEI P5" ("All") document being left open could lead to an InvocationTargetException caused by a StackOverflow in the Relax NG support at startup.
Startup: Fixed a ConcurrentModificationException that could occur at startup.
XML Schema: Fixed a NullPointerException that could occur when opening a schema.
DocBook: Corrected value of parameter "highlight.xslthl.config" in all DocBook transformations. This prevented syntax highlight in programlisting content from working in the output of the transformations.
Author mode: With track changes enabled, if a user inserted content in the middle of a modification made and commented by another user, the comment of that user was inadvertently copied as a comment for the new insertion.
Eclipse/Author: Placed the Callouts preferences page in its proper place in the Author > Editor > Edit modes > Author section of the Preferences dialog.
Eclipse/Language pack: Changed id of language pack from com.oXygenXML.languagePack to com.oxygenxml.languagePack.
MarkLogic/XQuery Validation: Validation of any XQuery modules failed with the message: 'For input string: "X.Y"', when using a MarkLogic server with a version similar to "5.0-X.Y".
Schema Documentation CLI: Added jar library ("OXYGEN_HOME/lib/saxon.jar") required for outputting PDF to the classpath from the schema documentation command line scripts.
Webhelp with Feedback: Fixed a problem that caused incorrect links to be generated when the input file was located in a file path that contained Unicode characters.
Webhelp with Feedback: The output folder argument ("${corrected.output.dir}") was not expanded in the "installation.html" page.
Webhelp with Feedback: Fixed a problem where the classpath was not correctly identified when running the install of the Webhelp with Feedback on the web server.
Author API: The visibility of various types of callouts as set in the AuthorCalloutsController was ignored when printing or print previewing.
Author API: The AuthorDocumentFilter was notified with an incorrect flag when the backspace key was pressed.
Author Component: When connecting to a floating license server servlet (HTTP) the Author Component was enclosing the user and password in the URL.
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