Autodesk SketchBook Pro 2015 7.0.0 (Mac OS X) | 215 MB
Language: Russian , English, German , etc..
Autodesk Sketchbook Pro - application for drawing and painting , specially designed for use with digital tablets and tablet PCs. The program has a user-friendly interface based on gesture- which is so quick to respond to user actions, and so intuitive even new users can be productive within minutes . This is - a new generation of graphical program focused on natural user interaction. Designed specifically for the Tablet PC and digitizers , Sketchbook provides all the tools necessary for the transition from pen and paper to a digital environment .
Additional Information:
New Features
In this version of SketchBook Pro , you can find the following new tools fixes and changes :
- Animation - kineografa creation , animation , using transparent celluloid films , animated prototype or proof of concept . Set keyframes on the timeline. Set the background color , create the background plate , then create animation with films. Kineografa file acts as a conventional drawing file with two exceptions - it also has a timeline and it contains only three layers .
- Choice - Call Select toolbar containing a set of selection tools , including a magic wand . In the settings ( Edit> Preferences > General> Selection) , select one of the following options to access other tools change your selection :
- Standard mode - after a selection is made with the selection tool will be available tools Replace , Add , Delete, and Cancel Invert selection by the Selection toolbar to change the selection .
- Fast mode - after the selected area appears washer conversion to move, resize and / or rotate the selected objects.
- Magic Wand - use picker magic wand to select the area on the basis of color . Change tolerance ( 1-255) to determine the accuracy of color matching . More than the tolerance, the greater range of facilities .
- Constant selection - select an area to perform a sketch and / or use a gradient fill .
- Blend - Blend consists of several colors, turning into color before and / or after it. There are two types of gradient fills : linear and radial .
- Linear fill - filling the area with a color paint formula and its application linearly from the first contact (beginning) to the end of the drag area ( destination) . Thus determines the direction and size of the formula . At the same time you can add, move, or delete a fill manipulators .
- Radial fill - filling the area with a color paint formula and its application radially from the first contact (beginning) to the end of the drag area ( destination) . At the same time you can add, move, or delete a fill manipulators .
- Extended trim - use the Crop tool to increase the size of the web.
- Sharp edges brush - use the new setting sharp edges of the brush to create a textured brush strokes with sharp edges.
- Washer new color - contains additional palette for drawing and gradient fill.
- Layers - added features multilayered transformation and deformation, and also grouping layer background colors and blending modes .
- Layer groups - creating groups in the Editor of layers to organize the components.
- Layer the background color - this layer is used only to set the background color of the drawing. Strokes should be used for other layers.
- Additional blending modes - added the following blending modes : blackout blackout basis , linear dimmer , lighting , lighting foundations , glow, soft glow , overlay , soft light, hard light , hue, saturation , color and intensity .
- Multi-layer conversion - use the SHIFT key to select multiple layers and their subsequent rotation, scaling and translation.
- Distortion - a toolbar added the following tools:
- Selecting multilayer distortion - select multiple layers and apply them the same distortion.
- Choice of distortion - move the points that have dependencies , 90 degrees and create a sense of perspective , or speed. Appear bounding box and a manipulator . Drag and change the position of the points of the bounding box .
- Scale distortion - resize a set of distorted objects. Use the SHIFT key to uniform scaling and hold down SHIFT, drag one way to scale in one direction only .
- Change the position of the axis of symmetry - drag the manipulator to move the lines of symmetry.
- Auto backup - no need to worry about the program crashes or data loss. All results are automatically restored the next time the SketchBook.
- Modes prospects - a toolbar added modes prospects:
- Mode 1 point
Creating a vanishing point in the center of the canvas . Hover on this point to display the horizon ( blue) line . Drag the handle to change the position of the vanishing point and the horizon.
- Mode 2 points
Create two vanishing points aligned horizontally by default.
- Mode 3 points
Creation of three vanishing points . When the mouse pointer or drag the vanishing point appear skyline (blue) and the triangle connecting the three points ( light blue) .
- fisheye
Create five vanishing points : left, right , top, bottom and center . The grid consists of a horizon line , vertical line and a circle. Curves intersect at a vanishing point . When moving the center point moves the whole grid . As you move the edge of the radius of the circle changes .
Strokes must start inside the circle to be tied to the grid. Note the change in location of the cursor when the vanishing point.
Improvements and changes
Improvements have been made in the following areas :
- Perspective - Use the arrow keys left and right to indicate the direction of prospects. - When saving a TIFF, if it contains a vanishing point , it is saved in a file.
- Improve gradient - when creating a gradient fill can now remove one end and undo or redo changes.
- Large brush strokes - the size of the brushes can now be configured with up to 512 pixels.
Installation Procedure :
Mount the image and run the installer Autodesk_SketchBook_Pro_2015_Multilingual_MAC_OSX.dmg , follow the instructions.
The procedure for treatment :
Wait until the installation and restart SketchBook
Use the serial number 666-69696969 , 667-98989898 , 400-45454545 , 066-66666666 or by any other example of these
Use the appropriate product key 871G1
ACTIVATION : For quick and easy activation of X-FORCE Recommend to block outbound traffic for Autodesk
Before you click Activate
There are 2 options :
- A) Turn off the AC adapter , pull the network cable or block access to the Internet by a firewall , or just turn off the internet ( it only needs to bypass the online check serial number)
Application may demand connection , then simply discard and try to re-activate it .
b ) Press Activate and the application prompts to check online , close and try to re-activate it .
Choose , a or b .
Choose Standalone request an activation code !
Run keygen
Click on the Mem Patch A message successfully patched
Copy of the window to activate the request code in the top field and click keygens Generate
Now copy the generated activation code back to the activation window and click Next
Congratulations! Activation Autodesk SketchBook Pro 2015 is made .
English manual included
Kg courtesy of X-FORCE
System requirements :
- Support for Mac OS Lion (10.7), Mountain Lion (10.8), Mavericks (10.9)
- 1 GHz processor and 1 GB of RAM
- 256 MB video card with support for OpenGL 2.0
- To work with basic functions is recommended to use a pressure-sensitive tablet and pen
Publication Type : OS X Software
Release took place : March 30, 2014
Supported OS : Mac OS Lion (10.7) +
Treatment: Complete
Type of medicine : patch crack
Language: Russian , English, German , etc..
Contact to email: downloadsuport191@gmail[dot]com for support all you need !
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