MacCleanse 4.0.8 (Mac OS X) | 15 MB
MacCleanse securely scans your system for activity and erases the desired information.
Whether you've been gift shopping online, discussing confidential business matters, visiting inappropriate web sites, or just want to clean out your system, MacCleanse is your savior. Unlike some other privacy protection tools which go through your system with brute force, MacCleanse has been thoroughly tested and only removes the necessary files, and reports all errors.
MacCleanse also contains enhanced features for specific applications like Acquisition, Adium, AIM, aMSN, Azureus, Bit Torrent, Colloquy, FireFox 2 & 3, iCab, iChat, ICQ, Internet Explorer, Mozilla, MPlayer, MSN Messenger, Netscape, OmniWeb, Opera, Preview, QuickTime, Safari, Skype, Transmission, Unison, Xtorrent, and Yahoo Messenger. These enhanced features allow you to pick and choose what exactly to remove from the application - be it only auto-fill values from Safari or the recent download history in Xtorrent.MacCleanse also contains enhanced features for specific applications like Acquisition, Adium, AIM, aMSN, Azureus, Bit Torrent, Colloquy, FireFox 2 & 3, iCab, iChat, ICQ, Internet Explorer, Mozilla, MPlayer, MSN Messenger, Netscape, OmniWeb, Opera, Preview, QuickTime, Safari, Skype, Transmission, Unison, Xtorrent, and Yahoo Messenger. These enhanced features allow you to pick and choose what exactly to remove from the application - be it only auto-fill values from Safari or the recent download history in Xtorrent.
What's New
Version 4.0.8:
New Feature: Drag and drop applications onto the Application uninstaller.
New Feature: Created a stand-alone uninstaller package to uninstall MacCleanse for users no longer wishing to use the product. Links and more information is available on our Support Wiki.
Modification: Application uninstaller no longer automatically begins scanning upon click. Requires user to press the scan button now.
Bug Fix: MacCleanse 4 Helper no longer attempts to launch MacCleanse if it can't be found.
Intel, Mac OS X 10.6 or later
Contact to email: downloadsuport191@gmail[dot]com for support all you need !
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